About Us

Our Purpose

To serve humanity so all may live as God intended.

Our Motto

Justice. Compassion. Love.


ADRA is the global humanitarian arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church—part of the 20-million strong Adventist community, with hundreds of thousands of churches globally and the world’s largest integrated healthcare and education network.

ADRA delivers relief and development assistance to individuals in more than 118 countries – regardless of their ethnicity, political affiliation, gender, or religious association.

By partnering with local communities, organizations, and governments, ADRA is able to deliver culturally relevant programs and build local capacity for sustainable change.

In Uganda, the Seventh-day Adventist Church registered ADRA as a national NGO on 24 July 1986.

Where ADRA works

ADRA’s work touches close to a million lives in more than 11 districts in Uganda. ADRA’s partnership with faith-based organisations and community-based organisations allows immediate assistance in times of crisis and true partnership with the communities we serve.

Districts in

Our Leadership

Charles ed ii aguilar

country director

Pastor Charles is a professional communicator with a passion for using stories that influence, captivate and inspire cross-cultural leadership. He respects traditions and enjoy creating structures and order.

On the pages of this webpage, you can see his passion for photography and film-making (Vancouver Film School Alumni, 2001). He’ll be completing his Executive Master of Sustainability Leadership (EMSL) in July 2022 at Arizona State University.   

As Country Director for ADRA in Uganda, his focus is to provide strategic leadership and change management that ensures ADRA’s administrative activities are professional, efficient, accountable and sustainable.

In addition to his primary role as Country Director, he is  known to his friends as someone who loves God, his family and his church.

Benon baabumba

program director

Benon is among ADRA’s longest-serving staff members in Uganda, with over 20 years of experience in the development and humanitarian sectors. 

He has a Bachelor of Science in Social Sciences and a Master of Arts in Development. He has also been granted several Danida Fellowships in Copenhagen with certificates in Human Rights-Based Approach in Development Programming and NGO Management and Capacity Strengthening. Furthermore, he has been trained in the fundamentals of Core Humanitarian Standards and Do No Harm Principles, and is a member of the ADRA Network Emergency Response Team.

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PAul rusoke

finance & administration director

Paul is a career Finance Management specialist, an ACCA finalist with an MBA in Financial Services from the University of East London (UK).  

With over 15 years of financial analysis and reporting in the NGO setting, Paul has expertise in setting up internal controls, budget formulation and budgetary control, cash flow management, asset financing, procurement planning, and supply chain management. 

In his prior role before joining ADRA Uganda in 2019, Paul worked with World Vision Uganda and Management Sciences for Health. He managed grants funded by several multilateral agencies, including USAID, DFID, DANIDA, KOICA, and JICA.